Get Rid Of Lead-Based Paint In Your Home! Here’s Why

Are you living in a home with old layers of paint? Research highlights that houses painted before 1978 may contain lead-based paints, posing serious health risks.

This article will guide you through the safest methods to identify and remove lead-based paint from your home and eliminate lead hazards so you and your loved ones can be 100% safe.

Lead-Based Paint Dangers With Danger Sign on Wall

Key Takeaways

The Dangers of Lead-Based Paint Inside

Lead-based paint can harm you when you touch it, and somehow ends up in your system. For example, we’ve heard of kids touching the lead paint and then putting their hands in their mouths, getting lead poisoning.

Adults also get lead poisoning. You may breathe in dust from chipping or peeling paint during renovations. Lead harms adults’ brains, hearts, and other important parts of the body too. Even small amounts can cause problems over time if not dealt with early on.

Dangers of Based Paint Danger Tape

How to Safely Remove Lead-Based Paint

Knowing the dangers of lead-based paint, let’s delve into how to safely remove it from your home.

Remember, proper execution of these methods can give homeowners peace of mind, knowing they’ve drastically reduced the potential risks associated with lead exposure in their homes.

Protective measures

Taking steps to protect your surroundings is key before starting a lead paint removal job. Here are the things you need to do:

Wet hand scraping and wire brushing

Get rid of lead-based paint in your home using wet hand scraping and wire brushing. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, put on your safety gear. This includes gloves, mask, and eye protection.
  2. Next, lay out a plastic sheeting under you. Secure it with duct tape.
  3. With a scraper in your hand, start to scrape off the old paint.
  4. Apply gentle pressure so as not to damage the woodwork.
  5. Gather all the scraped – off dust into garbage bags securely.
  6. After scraping, use a wire brush for stubborn areas.
  7. Be sure to keep the surface wet during this process.
  8. Make use of a nonflammable solvent or abrasive compound if required.
  9. Remove all traces of lead paint dust by vacuum cleaning.
  10. Finally, check your work with a lead testing kit.
Wire Brushing Off Lead Paint

Chemical stripping

Chemical stripping is a good way to get rid of lead-based paint in your home. Here are steps to follow:


Encapsulation is a key way to handle lead-based paint hazards in your house. This safe method covers the harmful paint so it doesn’t hurt anyone. Let’s break down the steps for proper encapsulation:

The Importance of Proper Lead Paint Removal

Getting rid of old lead paint is a big job. But it’s one you need to do the right way. If you don’t, small bits of lead dust can spread in your home, creating a serious health hazard for you and your loved ones.

To stop this from happening, we’ve discussed some methods of removing lead-based paint from your home, however, the best option would be to call a professional who’s fully prepared and equipped to deal with this problem.

Lead contaminated soil is also a very important issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

How To Get Rid Of Lead Contaminated Soil

Getting rid of lead-contaminated soil requires careful handling and proper disposal to prevent harm to human health and the environment. Here are the general steps to address lead-contaminated soil:

1. Assessment and Testing

Before taking any action, conduct soil testing to determine the extent of lead contamination. You can hire a professional environmental testing company for accurate results.

2. Safety Precautions

Lead is toxic, so take appropriate safety measures. Wear protective clothing, gloves, goggles, and a mask. Minimize dust generation by dampening the soil before disturbing it.

3. Containment

Prevent further spreading of contaminated soil. Erect barriers or fences to restrict access to the contaminated area.

4. Soil Removal

If contamination levels are high, soil removal might be necessary. Excavate and remove the contaminated soil carefully, avoiding dust generation. Double-bag the soil in heavy-duty plastic bags.

5. Disposal

Dispose of lead-contaminated soil properly according to local regulations. Check with your local environmental agency for guidelines on where and how to dispose of hazardous waste.

6. Soil Replacement

After removing the contaminated soil, replace it with clean, uncontaminated soil. Ensure proper compaction and grading.

7. Encapsulation

If removing the contaminated soil is not feasible, consider encapsulating it with a clean layer of soil, mulch, or grass to minimize human exposure.

8. Soil Treatment

In some cases, soil treatment methods such as soil stabilization or soil washing may be applicable. Consult with environmental experts to determine the best approach.

9. Testing After Remediation

Conduct post-remediation testing to verify that contamination levels have been reduced to acceptable limits.

10. Preventive Measures:

Address the source of lead contamination. Identify potential sources like old lead-based paint, lead pipes, or industrial activities and take appropriate steps to mitigate them.

11. Professional Assistance

Dealing with lead contamination is complex. It’s advisable to consult with environmental professionals or toxicologists who specialize in hazardous material remediation.


Lead-based paint is bad for your health. Be safe when removing it from your home. Hire a pro if you need help to do the job right. Your family’s health is worth it!


Lead-based paint is a type of paint that has lead mixed in it, which can be harmful if ingested or inhaled.
You should get rid of lead-based paint because it can cause health problems such as brain damage and learning difficulties, especially amongst children.
If your home was built before 1978, there’s a chance it could have been painted with lead-based paint; to make sure you would need to test using a special kit or hire a certified inspector.

No, removing lead-paint safely requires training; hire an expert so they can take care not to spread any dust or debris while working.

If you don’t remove the Lead-Based Paint,it stays on walls and releases harmful dust particles over time causing many health risks for people living within the space.

If you want to guarantee a successful paint removal or painting job, get in touch with your local team of professional painters at E G Contracting, and we’ll make sure you’ll get the best service in town!

(takes 1-2 min)