The Best Exterior Painting Cost Guide In Oakton, VA

EG Contracting offers exceptional painting services to enhance the appeal of your home’s exterior. With years of industry experience, we guarantee unparalleled results that outshine our competitors. Trust us to provide you with an unparalleled experience.

To achieve a paint job that lasts a long time, it’s important to do thorough preparation work. We make sure to protect and seal any unpainted areas and fix any existing damage before starting the project, ensuring excellent results every time. If you’re considering an exterior painting project and want to know the cost, please check out our guide below.

home exterior with brick and red window shutters

The Typical Exterior Painting Cost In Oakton

If you want to improve the appearance of your Oakton home’s exterior, the cost will depend on several factors, including the size of your house, the materials you choose, and any modifications you want. Larger projects usually cost more.

To understand how much this might set you back, look at our average exterior painting costs below for different-sized homes.

Size (square feet) Average Cost
Small $3.000 - $4.500
Medium $4.500 - $7.000
Large $7.000 - $13.000+

EG Contracting will give you a precise pricing quote after our in-home consultation, covering all the factors that go into your project. We’ll also provide solutions to make sure your overhaul doesn’t break the bank. Check out our exterior painting offer in Oakton right now!

Labor Costs By Square Feet In Oakton

We have gathered the average costs for painting the exterior of a house based on its square footage to help you with estimates since they can be more difficult to determine.
Exterior Painting Sq Ft Average Cost
1,000 sq ft $3,030
1,500 sq ft $4,544
2000 sq ft $6,059
2500 sq ft $7,576
3000 sq ft $9,091
3500 sq ft $10,605

Exterior Painting Costs Based On The Type Of Siding

The cost of painting the exterior of a structure may vary depending on the type of material used. For example, if the surface is made of painted wood that has started to peel off due to wear and tear, a simple primer application after scraping and sanding the affected area may suffice.

Brick Siding

Painting a brick home’s exterior for the first time can be expensive, with costs ranging from $7,889 to $12,583. 

This is due to additional materials and labor costs that average about $3.15 to $5.02 per square foot. It’s important to remember that masonry primer and paint are also necessary, which can increase the overall expense. Be sure to plan to avoid budgetary concerns.

exterior painting Chantilly guide

Aluminium Or Metal Siding

Even though it may seem expensive to update the exterior of your home, using aluminum siding is actually quite affordable. The cost typically ranges from $2.22 to $3.52 per square foot, which means that painting a two-story house can cost anywhere from $5,522 to $8,807. 

It’s definitely a worthy investment. And, if you have professionals repaint your home every five years, you can maintain its appearance without spending too much money.

Metal siding on a large home

Vinyl Siding

If you want to update your home’s style with a contemporary look without spending too much money, consider painting your vinyl siding. This method costs $5,259 to $8,388 on average for an average-sized house.

Opting for vinyl siding with a cost range of approximately $2.11-$3.35 per sqft is a wise choice if budget is a concern. This option is 10% more affordable per sqft than traditional wood siding homes. 

eggshell paint finish on house in virginia

Stucco Siding

The cost of interior stucco painting typically falls in the range of $6,428 to $10,253. However, if your house has a Tudor construction style for the exterior, there may be an additional 20% charge due to the added complexities involved.
flat paint finish on exterior

Types Of Paint Finishes

Let’s transform the appearance of your home with a new paint job! During the consultation, we’ll offer you paint samples and advice to help you select the ideal wall finish. To simplify the process, let’s begin by discussing some common options.

Flat Paint Finish

Flat paint used to be popular, but now customers prefer more shiny and durable wall coverings. Even though flat paint can fade or mildew faster than other paints due to its porous and matte qualities, it still has some benefits.

Choosing a flat finish for your wall has a major benefit: it can hide imperfections on old walls. However, please note that this finish is only appropriate for exterior surfaces. Other textures are better suited for areas like doors and windows that are frequently touched.

Eggshell Paint Finish

Eggshell paint is gaining popularity among homeowners due to its attractive semi-glossy finish that lasts longer and is easier to clean than flat paints. It’s important to regularly power wash eggshell-painted surfaces to maintain their appearance. Furthermore, eggshell paint can potentially add sophistication to your home’s exterior and enhance its overall decor.

Consider using eggshell paint if you have an older home with wood or stucco surfaces. This type of paint doesn’t leave any brush strokes, roller edges, or spray marks. It’s perfect for hiding small cracks and imperfections. Additionally, it offers excellent protection against wear and tear and seasonal weather changes.

High-Gloss Finish

Consider using a high-gloss sheen paint finish to create a painterly look in your home. It delivers long-lasting and vivid colors. However, it’s best to avoid using this finish on all walls.

Professional painters recommend using high-gloss paint mainly on smaller areas of the house, like doors or molding. Using it on larger surfaces is not advisable as it may result in a less authentic look, and surface imperfections may become more noticeable. It is better to use semi-gloss or satin paints on exterior walls and siding and high-gloss paint on smaller areas to achieve a balanced look.

Semi-gloss Finish

Semi-gloss paint is a great option if you want a shiny finish on your exterior walls. It is more durable and easier to clean than satin paint, and can withstand various weather conditions and humidity levels. Additionally, since you will be repainting your walls regularly, opting for a shinier paint may be beneficial.

Semi-gloss paint is a great option for adding elegance to your home’s trim details. However, if you need to cover an uneven surface or fix cracks and chips, you should choose a different finish. For example, semi-gloss paint works well on garage doors, front doors, exterior trims, gutters, shutters, metal lamp posts, and window sills. These are all great areas to showcase the benefits of semi-gloss paint.

Here at EG Contracting, we’re using some of the best painting products on the market, including Sherwin Williams, Behr, Benjamin Moore, etc.

Get A Superior End-Product Right From Your Local Pros

At EG Contracting, we know that your Oakton exterior painting project is a big deal. That’s why we only send the best professionals to work on it and guarantee exceptional results.

We aim to complete the job quickly and thoroughly, ensuring your complete satisfaction without any compromises. We take pride in ensuring our customers love their home’s new look once we’re done. 

With us, you get the following:

exterior painting centreville

Improve Your Home's Curb Appeal With A Fresh Exterior Paint Job!

Erik Gonzalez

Fill out our contact form and request a free quote and let’s discuss your upcoming exterior painting project in Oakton, VA! Or talk directly with us at (571) 253-5583 and see if we’re the right fit.

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